Doxiepoo Dog: Meet the Most Adorable Dachshund Poodle Mix

Doxiepoo dog is a hybrid breed developed by crossing Poodles with Dachshunds. These cats are sociable, clever and loving pets that will cope well with family or a single person. 

Doxiepoo Dog

Doxiepoo Dog characteristic

 They maintain their content and health through regular social and physical activities and grooming, but while the Poodle makes the canines easily trainable, the Dachshund passes on some stubbornness.

These individuals would do well in homes that are prepared to take care of them guinea pigs exercise them exercise plenty. They live happily in apartments where they are with their owners, and in a house with a garden.

Doxiepoo Overview


Official NamDoxiepoo
Common NameDoxiepoo
Pet Height5 to 15 inches
Pet Weight5 to 30 pounds
Lifespan10 to 18 years
Good WithYoung children, dogs, family, older people
TemperamentExtroverted, friendly, willful, and playful
IntelligenceModerate intelligence
Shedding AmountLow frequency of shedding fur
Energy LevelHigh-energy breed
Vocal LevelFrequent barking and howling
Drool AmountDrools little
Breed GroupCrossbreed
Breed SizeSmall size (up to 25 pounds)
Coat LengthCoarse, medium, long, curly, wiry
ColorsBlack, brown, cream, red, gray, and white
breeds over view

Other Traits of breeds

The doxiepoo is a cross of the bulldog type short broad chest dachshund and the poodle type kurly dog. puppies are confident, smart, and highly spirited little pups. The details on how the mixed breed came into existence are scant but this cross is extremely popular since most of the fans love Dachshund and poodle mixes on the basis of their looks and loving nature. 

There seems to be a discord of views when it comes to opinions regarding doxiepoo energy levels. Doxiepoos are moderate energy but with a very high demand for mental stimulation and these mixed breed dogs are quite large barkers and do not shy away from alerting to danger says Jennifer Gregory the vice president of Doxiepoo by Proxy Rescue. We spoke with Gregory and This is what she had to say based on the doxiepoo dog features their behavior their living conditions and their health concerns everything that there is regarding the doxiepoo breed.

Key Takeaways of puppy

Doxiepoos have an extremely friendly nature combined with a lot of logical reasoning and understanding.
Grooming and companionship are also necessities that must be in plentiful supply to keep the do
A doxiepoo is adaptable enough to fit many housing situations.

Breed History Doxiepoo breeds

The doxiepoo is a crossbreed between the dachshund and the poodle The dachshund, which has short legs yet a long body, originated in Germany for the purpose of burrowing into the dirt to find little animals. Poodles were developed in Germany and France and were both intelligent and non allergic.

Designer breeds became popular in the USA in mid to late 20th century and the rise in demand must have definitely played a role for the rise in popularity of the Doxiepoo

became more common. Since it is a mixture, it has the features of both its parent breeds with its intelligence coming mostly from the Poodle and its playfulness from the Dachshund.

history of  Doxiepoo

Features and Physique

The Doxiepoo is a very interesting because its appearance can vary so much, the Doxie Poodle Mix has many possible genetic combinations to work with. A doxie-poo usually has a body shape of a dachshund and hair from the Poodle which is either wavy or very curly.

Single Doxiepoos are usually small to medium in size.

Color: Their coat colors may be black, brown, cream or they may be spotted.


Doxiepoo dogs Temperament and Behavior

The temperament of a Doxiepoo derives most characteristics from parents of two breeds: the Dachshund and the Poodle. These dogs have a lively disposition and can display interesting behaviors that make them distinctive and loving pets.

These dogs are highly affectionate and have a lot of spirit in them. They are great fun, love to play and are great companions. However, because of the Dachshund part in the family’s lineage, they may be quite stubborn, and hence, training is necessary.

In most cases, Doxiepoos have a gentle disposition and do not have much difficulty adapting to new environments.

Personality Traits

As already mentioned, the Doxiepoo is a mixture of both Doxie and Poodle genre characters. They are little live wires who may come with the most un-dog-like of bad character, but actually are the most wonderful and perfect dogs.

Doxies are frisky, funny, loving and extremely sociable. They are far from shy and tend to develop affectionate bonds with family members. They are playful animals which explains their zeal for games and other fun exercises.

Training can sometimes be easier because they also possess high levels of intelligence. These breeds respond very well to positive reinforcement and enjoy learning new tricks. This breed’s temperament is generally more of the curious and explorative types so they would adapt to the surrounding quite easily!

Doxiepoo Dog

Are Doxiepoos good with other pets?

Do Doxiepoos dogs Bark?


The dog seems to love and enjoy barking, it is probably their way of telling the owners that they have seen something that needs the owners attention. Their vocalness is actually how they greet their friends. The ability of Doxiepoos to bark is not an issue as they can be trained to a more appropriate level.

Are Doxiepoos Good Watchdogs?

Because the doxiepoo is watchful and does not hesitate to complain, he provides for a fair watchdog when there is an irregularity. To sum up, the Barking Dog may be easy to identify with their bark, however don’t make such good guard dogs since most of them quickly warm up and are not bad dogs when it comes to strangers as a barking dog is not regarded as such a bad dog.

Are Doxiepoos Good Service Dogs?

Doxiepoos are moderate in size compared to other breeds, and while they may not excel as service dogs, they can bring joy and companionship in other roles.

Their affectionate and adaptable nature makes them wonderful pets for many families.This breed is often simply too little to walk dogs, help restrain wheelchairs, guide and move obstacles, or fetch items like medication or phones.

That said, doxiepoos can alternatively be considered to perform the functions of emotional support animals however in most cases they do this by having a great fondness of being around their families or curling up next to their owners.

As long as the person adopting the doxiepoo is willing to exercise enough while also meeting other requirements of the dog, then one with an ESA lax will find this dog to be a perfect match.

Do Doxiepoos Shed?

Generally speaking, Doxiepoos are not very heavy shedders and will not leave fur all over the place as their coats are curly or wiry and these types of coats retain most of the fur that is set to be shed. Regular brushing helps remove this fur without leaving any of it all over the house. Poodles are known to have their coats hypo-allergenic and hence if your doxiepoo is more poodle than Dachshund then there is a chance that he might possess a hypoallergenic coat.


What Should a Doxiepoo Eat?

As a small breed, a doxiepoo is not expected to eat a lot in a single day. Assessing the amount of exercise your dog is engaged in along with the amount of calories present in the total food provided should assist in determining whether or not this is an adequate food portion.


Is a Doxiepoo dogs the Right Dog for Me?

The doxiepoo are not a famous crossbreed but only the crossbreeds of a dachshund and a miniature poodle. This breed can be a little stir-crazy or cheeky and independent and can also be intelligent and very family oriented as well as affectionate. They are equally described as happy and aggressive depending on the need and circumstances. 

As for a husky, many people point to training as one of the most important activities when it comes to dealing with a doxiepoo. Excessive barking, which is often mistaken as aggressiveness, will have to be trained out of this dog’s repertoire along with the occasional moody personality. Cuddly but also active, doxiepoos require constant attention, frequent exercise, and companionship. 

A perfect combination would be the doxiepoo with families with older children or families that have gentle children who wish to play with dogs. And, it is also great for people who want a single dog as a companion. Also, seniors who want an energetic dog but do not want a dog that will require a lot of exercises will go perfectly along with this very fluffy dog.

Fun Facts Doxiepoo dogs

Sometimes you may hear of doxiepoos by a different name: ‘doxiedoodles. The difference is that different names are used but the dogs are the same.

Doxiepoos are not the only poodle mix with mass appeal. Other mixes include Yorkie-poos, shih-poos among many others – Cavapoos.

Doxiepoo Dog: Meet the Most Adorable Dachshund Poodle Mix

Now let’s look at health.

Doxiepoo Dog: Meet the Most Adorable Dachshund Poodle Mix

fAQs About Doxiepoo dog

A Doxiepoo is a hybrid breed that results from crossing a Dachshund with a Poodle, known for their intelligence and affectionate nature.

Yes, Doxiepoos are loyal, playful, and friendly dogs, making them great companions for families and individuals alike.

Doxiepoos dog can have minimal shedding, especially if they inherit the Poodle’s hypoallergenic coat.

A full-grown Doxiepoo dogs typically has a small to medium build with a wavy or curly coat, combining the traits of both parent breeds.

Yes, Doxiepoo dog can be purchased through reputable breeders, but always ensure ethical breeding practices.

A black Doxiepoo refers to a Doxiepoo with a predominantly black coat, which is one of their many possible color variations.

The Doxiepoo is a crossbreed, combining the intelligence of the Poodle with the spirited personality of the Dachshund.

Popular names for Doxiepoos include Bella, Charlie, Coco, Milo, Daisy, and Max.

Yes, their playful and affectionate nature makes them excellent pets for families with children or other pets.


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