Adopting a Labrador Retriever? Here’s Everything You Need to Know

The popularity of the Labrador Retriever in the US is stable and this is well deserved. Labs are medium to large breed sporting dogs who are very active and friendly, which makes them ideal family dogs.
Average Labrador Retrievers weigh 55 to 80 pounds although females are usually lighter. The average height for them ranges from 21.5  to 24.5 inches. General features include a broad head and nose, a deep chest, strong tail, and overall muscular. They come in three colors yellow, chocolate, and black.

Adopting a Labrador Retriever? Here’s Everything You Need to Know

Breed Traits & Characteristics

Affectionate With Family

Good With Other Dogs

playing of  LRADOR RETRIEVER DOG BREEDS with others dogs

History and Origins

In the 1600s, the Labrador Retriever breed began on the coast of Newfoundland, not Labrador. They learned how to retrieve fishermen’s nets through the icy water, and in the early 1800s, they were brought to Poole Harbour in Great Britain.  
Many Englishmen wanted to buy them because they were so pretty and had such lovely personalities. The breed was an instant hit as a gundog because of how well it worked as a working dog. At that time, these dogs were called Saint John’s Dogs. The Earl of Malmesbury became interested in them and began breeding them, calling the puppies Labrador Dogs. Labradors are still loved family pets and are used as working gundogs today. 

Labrador Retrievers

Caring for a Labrador Retriever

Labs are people-oriented and affectionate, even to strangers. They want to be around other dogs and children and are friendly around them but it is always best to supervise them when they are around these family members for the first time.
It should be noted that Companion Retrievers have a water-resistant coat so while they might tend to shed a lot due to their double coat, brushing them frequently can help reduce the amount of shed fur.

caring of Labrador Retrievers

Labrador Retriever Health Issues

The life span of this Dog(retrievers) ranges from 11 to 13 years. These you could say are quite robust organisms although their caretakers ought to take note of some of the potential health concerns.

Ear Infections

Retrievers are likely to develop ear infections because of the following factors:
They have pendulous ears which can retain moisture and wax accumulation, resulting in inflammation and ear canal infection.
Companion are generally fond of swimming. When swimming, water may enter their ears resulting in ear infections.
The signs of ear infections include:
Ear redness (canal)
Ear canal brownish or yellowish discharge
Frequent head shakes
Head tilting

Tricuspid Valve Dysplasia

The tricuspid valve is located between the right atrium and the right ventricle and assists in pumping blood from the right atrium into the right ventricle. According to research, Retrievers with congenital tricuspid valve dysplasia (TVD) have a deformed valve that allows some degree of volume regurgitation into the right atrium. A right-volume overload progressively occurs causing remodeling of the right atrium and right ventricle.
Some Labrador dog with TVD have heart murmurs, while others do not have audible ones during the physical examination. They may also be asymptomatic or present with signs of right-sided heart failure, such as:


Increase in the size of abdomen
Abdominal discomfort
Shortness of breath
If required, the use of a prosthetic valve constructed from the pericardium of a cow or pig can be used to replace the diseased tricuspid valve. In most cases, medication is used to control the condition.
The severity of the disease will determine the expected outcome, as an indicator of severity, some dogs with TVD can lead a normal life.

Elbow Dysplasia

Elbow dysplasia is a group of genetically transmitted osteoarthritic diseases affecting elbow joints with the particular joint showing DJD changes. Forelimb involvement of these diseases typically presents with lameness and pain, particularly after activities involving the affected limb.
Elbow dysplasia may manifest on one elbow or may be bilateral, in many cases the condition is confirmed through x-ray or CT scan images. In the case of elbow dysplasia, the treatment is surgical.

Hip Dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is a genetic orthopedic disorder in which the head of the thigh bone (femur) fails to locate snugly into the hip joint. Over time, bone rubs on the hip socket which eventually causes hip arthritis.
This condition affects one or both hip joints. Some of the common symptoms are:
Inability or difficulty in bearing weight.
Slow to get up from lying down position.
A bunny hopping style of running.

Hip dysplasia of Labrador Retrievers

Centronuclear Myopathy

Centronuclear myopathy (CNM) is a genetic disease that is rare and affects skeletal muscles. This condition is especially known for limiting the reflexes of the limbs of the dogs after being born.
Some of the common signs of this condition are an unusual way of walking and the difficulty or incapacity of doing exercises like walking or running. These dogs have weak muscles which are more pronounced in winter season.


abbreviated as HAS, is regarded as one of the most common and aggressive cancers found in dogs. Spleen, liver or heart are the most common places where this cancer is found within the body. It is a type of cancer that leads to the enlargement of a blood filled tumor within the dog which can rupture at any moment; resulting in severe internal bleeding.
A few specific indicators that can be useful in assessment include:
Chronic weakness Low appetite Lack of breath Gums become pale and Start accumulating fluid within the body.

What To Feed a Labrador Retriever

When it comes to feeding and caring for a Labrador, there are certain things as a pet owner that you must know.
retrievers are heavily reliant on food as a source of energy.For this reason, it’s key to choose a good quality, puppy food based for large breeds. This will help them grow, and gain the necessary weight they need for their bone structure.
After the pup reaches adulthood and ages to around 1, you can start feeding it high quality food specifically made for retrievers.
Make sure to keep a note of the dog’s routine while eating as well.

How To Feed a Labrador Retriever

As previously mentioned, you should make sure to maintain a correct feeding time for your retriever, along with offering food of the highest quality.
Timings do vary for each dog but in general, dogs should be fed 2 times per day.
When feeding the dog make sure not to alter the amount of food being provided in a single meal, and it’s best to stick with a slow feeder bowl, to stop your retriever from eating too much or too fast and even getting sick.

How Much To Feed a Labrador Retriever

It takes time for puppies to grow and develop completely. On average it can take around 6 months for a puppy to sufficiently develop. Puppies at this age are very delicate and a liver supported diet based on premium food should be used to bring them up.
But you must follow guidelines and rules while bringing a dog and selecting food. Make sure to read the instructions carefully.

feeding of Labrador Retrievers

Tips on Nutrition for Labrador Retrievers

As long as the dog is on a diet approved by the AAFCO, it will obtain necessary nutrients without added supplements. On the other hand, Labradors who suffer from specific conditions can be supplemented with dog supplements.
For instance, a Labrador Retriever with elbow or hip dysplasia can be aided in delaying the disorder’s process through the use of Nutra ax Dasuquin and Consequent supplements. In addition, Fish oil supplements can combat joint swelling and has vert positive effects on the skin and fur.

Adopting a Labrador Retriever? Here’s Everything You Need to Know

Labrador Retriever Behavior

Lab Retrievers have a particular behavior of chewing things that they are not supposed to chew from a young age. They tend to chew or bite through socks, shoes, furniture among other things, and also rummage through the trash. It is crucial for pet parents to closely monitor Lab puppies and set aside time to teach them appropriate eating habits.
These friendly dogs are very playful in nature and are active throughout their life. They require a considerable amount of time and affection in order to be happy. Typically, every Labrador Retriever has to perform a daily exercise of 1 hour but this is subject to their health conditions and age.

Labrador Retriever Training

This Companion puppies tend to be quite active as they grow into powerful dogs. Therefore, as they are growing, it is essential to put time in training them properly.
Participating in puppy training and obedience training classes is strongly suggested for Labrador Retriever puppies through proper socialisation with people and pets at an early age.

Adopting a Labrador Retriever? Here’s Everything You Need to Know

Fun Activities for Retrievers

swimming of Labrador Retrievers

Labrador Retriever Grooming Guide

While Labrador dogs require very little grooming and are heavy shedders, de shedding and brushing the dog will be critical areas of grooming.
Companion Retrievers require no complicated relations with skin care but it’s best to make sure they are thoroughly dried out after water related activities to avoid any cases of skin infections. Reach out to the veterinarian if you spot any abnormalities on your pet’s skin.

Coat Care

Labrador Retrievers have a dense double layer coat that is water resistant. Because of this double coat, the Labrador Retriever breeds heavy and frequent brushing (around two to three times each week) is required to manage the shedding. But with all the care you still have to be ready for the loose hair to be found around your premises.
In addition to this, Labradors also require a bath now and then since it’s important for them to have clean skin and coat. It is suggested that you ask your vet, how many times per that period you should wash your dog.

Eye Care

Labrador Retriever Dog breeds are very likely to develop PRA hence it’s good practice to try and observe the behavior of your dog closely and if you notice any change in the dog’s eye or vision, treat it with care -consult the vet.

Ear Care

Due to their floppy ears and Thrill of swimming, Labrador dogs have a tendency to easily acquire ear infections. Therefore it is advisable to clean the ears within every two to three weeks using an ear cleaning solution that has a drying agent after a swim or washing them to help limit the chances of acquiring ear infections.

Things to Keep in Mind Before Getting A Pet

Labrador are perfect family pets. They are full of life, sociable, and love family outings. This, however, isn’t enough: they have to be adopted by equally energetic families who wouldn’t mind exercising this high-strung dog. A bored Labrador will quickly turn into an unhappy and destructive one.
A further downside to the Service dogs is the high volume of hair they shed. These dogs will require regular grooming, though expect the hair of Chihuhua or German Shepherd to become a semi permanent part as long as the dog is in the house.

Differences between a Labrador Retriever and a Golden Retriever.

As for their physical appearance, Labrador seem different from Golden Retrievers in that the former has a shorter coat that is available in three colors whilst the latter has a single color coat. Furthermore, they also differ in the fact that all golden retrievers have a golden coat while not all labradors have a golden coat labradors can be yellow, chocolate or black.

Differences between a Labrador Retriever and a Golden Retriever.


Yes, Labrador Retrievers make excellent family dogs, as they are affectionate and have the patience and tolerance to do well around other dogs and children.

There are three Labrador Retriever colors: yellow, black, and chocolate.

Yes, Labrador Retrievers shed heavily year-round.

Overall, expect a Labradors Retrievers shedding to be substantial throughout the year because, yes, they do shed a lot.


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