Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Wiener Dogs: The Ultimate Guide

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Wiener Dogs: The Ultimate Guide

History and Origin of the Wiener Dog

wiener dogs

Characteristics and Features of the Wiener Dog

weiner dogs
Dackel or Teckel dog

Temperament and Personality

wiener dogs

Wiener Dogs Care

Miniature Dachshund
Sausage Pup
Weenie Dog
Long Dog

Health Considerations for Wiener Dogs

wiener dogs

Allergies: Skin allergy and food allergies are not as rare as one may think; in fact, Dachshunds do suffer from these types of allergies as well. Affected dogs are prone to scratching, skin rashes or skin inflammation, watery eyes, frequent sneezing, and self-licking. Vomiting, diarrhea, and repetitive ear infections can be present in such dogs as well.

Diabetes : in many dog breeds including dachshund diabetes is common, Dachshunds however can be afflicted more often. Dogs with diabetes have trouble utilizing sugars in their bodies and can face other complications too. Other symptoms include excessive urination, uncharacteristic weight loss and increased appetite are also the common after effects of diabetes.

Dental disease: Many dogs face dental disease due to several ailments. However, an estimated 80% of them develop this disease on or before their second birthday, Dachshunds included. The natural teeth and gum cleaning activities performed by the dogs help in the prevention of losing teeth or suffering serious health consequences such as a degree of kidney, liver, heart, or joint damage. 

Seizures: Low blood sugar, exposure to toxins, tumors, strokes, or dysfunctional organs are just some of the factors contributing to the cause of seizures. Certain uncontrolled inherited genetic factors can also contribute to making your pooch susceptible to seizures. In fact, there are some cases where seizures are termed “idiopathic”, which means that they occur for no reason at all. It has been declared that a larger proportion of Dachshunds than some other types of dogs are afflicted by idiopathic seizures.

Vision problems :Dachshund dogs could be found to have a higher propensity towards other eye associated diseases as glaucoma, cataract or dry eye respectively. These conditions that have been described earlier on could potentially render your dog blind. With the appropriate medical intervention, The signs and symptoms can be alleviated, preserved and maintained on the dog’s vision.

Miniature Dachshund
Sausage Pup
Weenie Dog
Long Dog

Deafness: In several cases, the Dachshund is at a higher risk of suffering from deafness. So, having the deafness assessed is critical for that specific breed. This is true particularly for double-dapple Dachshunds since the pigmentation genes act in conjunction with the deafness genes as congenital traits.

Joint conditions : Other diseases due to genetic predisposition that the Dachshunds can be affected by include the elbow and the hip joint dysplasia. For dogs with dysplasia, there is a high likelihood of developing osteoarthritis due to abnormal joint formation. The presence of arthritis puts, pain, mobility impairments and eventually lameness. Timely intervention is usually effective, but if it is followed with appropriate management, you can help your dog remain calm and unaffected. 

Endocrine disorders: Some of their breeds are prone to hypothyroidism and other endocrine disorders. Hypothyroidism occurs when your dog’s thyroid is underactive and produces less than the required hormones. Such dogs are likely to gain weight, tend to be low on energy, and even present changes to your dog’s coat or skin.

Another disease that falls under this category is hyperadrenocorticism which is also termed as Cushing’s syndrome. This condition develops in the event that your dog’s adrenal gland overproduces cortisol, a hormone which deals with stress levels. This condition develops insidiously, and its earlier stages are usually not easily identifiable. Cushing’s disease includes the following signs and/or symptoms:

  • Too much thirst & frequent urination
  • Excessive eating
  • Dullness or little energy
  • Fragile skin
  • Bald patches
  • Weight increase or Abdominal distention, bigger belly

In which colors available in Weiner dog








Although Dachshund is a German word, in modern Germany, the dogs are more commonly known by the short name Dackel. Working dogs are less commonly known as Teckel. Because of their long, narrow build, they are often nicknamed wiener or sausage dog.

Dachshunds are notorious for their barking, but desensitization and counter-conditioning training can have a big effect on their reactivity.

Dachshunds are utterly devoted to their owners and make for extremely loyal companions. Provided they are well socialized from a young age, Dachshunds can also be good with children and cats.

Conclusion :

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